Adult Sail School - Policies, Terms, and Conditions

Adult Sail School Policies


Students are not considered registered until we receive full tuition & fees. Space in classes is on a first-come, first-served basis only.

Low Enrollment

If the class minimum is not met, the enrolled student(s) will be given the option to reschedule for the next class or to receive a full refund.

Cancellation & Refunds

If a student needs to cancel from a class prior to two (2) weeks of the start date of the class, a full refund, minus a $50 processing fee, will be made; a 50% refund will be made between two (2) weeks and one (1) week prior to the start date of the class; no refund will be given after one (1) week prior to the start date of the class (this includes no shows).


Students are expected to follow certain rules that promote the safety of all. Those students who refuse to follow these rules, or who continue to be disruptive, may be asked to leave. There are no refunds for cases such as these.


There is no guarantee of getting a specific instructor, although we try to accommodate as much as possible.

Bad Weather

It is our policy to make every effort possible to sail whenever weather permits. If inclement weather is forecast, the class may be conducted on shore. If bad weather develops after the start of classes on the water, we will get sailors off the water and continue on-land instruction. Student safety will always be our highest priority.


There is a make-up weekend sailing day built into the program to accommodate weather cancellations. When instructors are available, additional practice may be arranged during the student’s temporary membership. If you need to depart from the course early, whether due to illness, a family emergency, or any other circumstance, please understand that we cannot offer refunds or adjustments for the unused portion of the course.


Adult Sail School - Terms and Conditions - Agreement and Statement of Understanding

For value received and in consideration of being permitted to participate in the Sailing School sponsored by Boca Ciega Yacht Club, the undersigned hereby agrees and states:

I. I understand and assume the risks inherent in sailing and agree to wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD) at all times that I am in a BCYC boat.

2. I understand that sailouts on members’ boats are not part of the Sailing School program, advertisements or contrary representations of BCYC members notwithstanding, that they are by invitation only, that no consideration is to be given or accepted by any party in connection therewith, that my opportunity to participate in a sailout is solely at the option of the inviting skipper, and that neither BCYC nor the Sailing School staff (including Table Captains) make any warranty as to the seaworthiness of any member’s vessel or the skill and competence of any member.

3. I promise to indemnify and hold harmless Boca Ciega Yacht Club, its officers, volunteer Table Captains and instructors, from any and all damages, losses, claims, suits, actions, expenses, or other liabilities which may arise directly or indirectly from my participation in the Sailing School, absent a showing of willful negligence or intentional misconduct. All Sail School participants will be required to sign a Liability Waiver.

4. I specifically indemnify and hold harmless all and every person whomsoever may provide gratuitous service to me or others, including the Boca Ciega Yacht Club and its Sailing School, understanding that they do so freely and without compulsion or direct reward.

5. I understand that no trained medical personnel will be present during any portion of this course. In enrolling in this sailing course, I agree to follow all program rules as set forth by the program director and instructors, including prescribed operating positions in the training boats, and certify that I have no physical or relevant psychological limitations that might prevent me from fully participating in this course.

Liability Waiver Form for Students

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Boca Ciega Yacht Club‎
Latitude 27° 44' 21.0552'' N
Longitude 82° 41' 44.7252'' W
4600 Tifton Drive South   Gulfport, FL 33711

©2024 Boca Ciega Yacht Club

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