Mission Statement
Boca Ciega Yacht Club, Inc. is organized exclusively as a private social club to:
The social or recreational facilities of the Corporation shall not be made available to the general public.
Personal Accountability
It is a BCYC standard to be honest and strive to maintain an attitude that is respectful, kind, friendly, helpful, and considerate. We respect others' opinions and are open to their perspectives. We are humble and do good deeds in anonymity. Positive actions of others are recognized publicly while criticisms are constructive and made in private. We speak to one another in a manner than permits growth and understanding.
Promote Camaraderie
It is a BCYC standard to promote an active and growing membership. New members are made to feel comfortable and appreciated. We make an effort to get to know their names and interests. We help them find ways to get involved. We encourage development of their boating skills and offer assistance whenever needed. We respect and look out for one another's property. We are honest in any business dealings among members.
Club Spirit and Responsibilities
It is a BCYC standard to recognize that the club is only as strong as its members who volunteer to maintain it, and pitch in whenever possible. We speak of the club in a way that is supportive and promotes growth in the community. We are careful not to appear to represent the club to outside organizations without specific board approval and direction. We attend meetings, especially Board meetings, to help govern the club to uphold the club’s objectives and remain an integral part of the Gulfport community.