September - Monthly Club Cruise to Twin Dolphin Marina

  • 09/07/2024
  • 9:00 AM
  • 09/08/2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • Twin Dolphin Marina

We canceled in August, but let's try again:

Twin Dolphin Marina

The requirements for summer sailing destinations are a pool, lots of ice, a bar, a restaurant, electricity at the dock to run the AC. 

Which is why we've settled on Twin Dolphin. Summer rates are less brutal than the weather forecast.

Please web to: then click the "book a transient slip" button.

Land cruisers are encouraged to join us pool side. Happy hour at the pool will commence promptly on Island Time by whoever gets their first. BYOE. No shoes, no clothes, no problem.  Though I do recommend a sun hat and flip flops. Personally, I will be wearing modest attire (a Burka) since my application to the retirement home for the visually offensive was recently accepted. 

Please everybody check in on the club calendar so I can try to reserve an appropriately bigly sized table or 2 for dinner at Pier 22. 

We will plan dinner at Pier 22 at 6:00 to avoid the crowd. 

Post dinner will be a meeting of the society for stinky old men and their cigars with the liars club. Destination to be stumbled into.

Please contact Guy O'Conner at with any questions.

Boca Ciega Yacht Club‎
Latitude 27° 44' 21.0552'' N
Longitude 82° 41' 44.7252'' W
4600 Tifton Drive South   Gulfport, FL 33711

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